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Levitt, Roberta, College of Education and Information Sciences C. W. Post Campus Long Island University
Liebtag, Emily, University of Virginia (United States)
Lin, Susan, Doctoral candidate University of Washington
Lindner, Mary, The College of Saint Rose (United States)
Lo, Joe Tin-Yau, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Lowe, Jackie, Randolph County Schools
Lucas, Karen K., University of Tennessee, Knoxville (United States)
Lucey, Thomas
Lusk, Angela, Snead State Community College (United States)
Lys, Diana B., East Carolina University (United States)
Mainzer, Richard W., Council for Exceptional Children
Manfra, Meghan McGlinn, North Carolina State University (United States)
Martens, Prisca, Towson University
Massey, Dixie D., University of Washington (United States)
McDonough, Graham P, University of Victoria
McDowelle, James O., East Carolina University
McNeese, Rose M.
McTigue, Erin M., Texas A&M University (United States)
Mee, Molly, Towson University
Menzies, Holly Mariah, California State University, Los Angeles
Merryfield, Merry M., The Ohio State University
Messenheimer, Trinka, Bowling Green State University (United States)
Miller, Stuart, Kansas State University (United States)
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