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Anderson, Cynthia, University of Oregon
Ashdown, Jane E., Adelphi University
Atkinson, Terry S., East Carolina University
Aydeniz, Mehmet, University of Tennessee
Barnes, Aaron, Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative
Bell, Sherry Mee, University of Tennessee
Benner, Susan, University of Tennessee
Berry, Barnett, Center for Teaching Quality
Bezdek, Jamie, University of Kansas
Bloom, Lisa, Western Carolina University (United States)
Booth, Sherry, NC State University
Boruff, Kristi, Fountain City Elementary School (United States)
Boudah, Daniel J.
Boyd, Dwight, OISE/University of Toronto
Bricker, Patricia, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (United States)
Broemmel, Amy D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Broemmel, Amy D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States)
Brown, Sarah Drake, Ball State University (United States)
Bullock, Ann Adams, East Carolina University (United States)
Byrd, David R., Weber State University (United States)
Callejo, David M., Carl A. Gerstacker Endowed Chair in Education at Saginaw Valley State University
Campbell, Amy, Grand Valley State University
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